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    Com multi-purpose office chair range was designed with versatility and convenience in mind. The simple plywood monoshell is available in three shapes and various wood and HPL finishes, it is gently contoured and there are upholstery options which give Com an extra level of comfort. Com is available in five frame choices to fit a variety of applications. It is suitable for many environments such as lecture theatres, meeting rooms and cafeterias.
    The collection includes a selection of accessories that make it easier to number, stack or link chairs in rows – functions that prove to be useful when organising big events.
    Com multifunctional chairs family is now completed with bar stool o wire frame. Square shape of shell has three version of finishing: bare plywood shell, with seat upholstered pad or fully upholstered. Shell can be made in standard colour of lacquer, natural modified veneers or in laminates HPL.

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