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    we create
    office horeca retail

    we are a team of interior designers, architects, furniture designers and project managers, we create unique and functional offices, retail and horeca areas.

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    design & build

    We implement interior designs in the design & build formula. We design interiors, equip them with furniture from recognized producers and in-house furniture, and manage the investment process. We provide our clients with ready-to-use surfaces.

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    awards and honourable mentions

    We are the winner of the prestigious CBRE Office Superstar competition which aims to award the best and most friendly office arrangements in Poland.

    ofisovnia ofisovnia

    and quality

    We are the official distributor of renowned furniture and interior design manufacturers. We equip companies, corporations, retail facilities, horeca industry, banks, institutions and medical facilities. We also offer furniture retail sales of furniture.

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    they trusted us

    Do you want to create an attractive and functional space?

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