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    know us

    About us

    team who we are

    we are a team of interior designers, architects, furniture designers and project managers. we create unique and functional offices, retail and horeca areas.

    design + build

    We are a design & build company - we specialize in interior design and complete office, retail and horeca investments. We design interiors, we equip them with furniture of recognized designers and producers and furniture of our own production, we manage the investment process. We have experience in implementing investments for international corporations as well as small businesses and start-ups.

    we aim to create unique places, combine a unique atmosphere, modern design, increase comfort and productivity.

    we are the winner
    of the prestigious
    CBRE Office Superstar competition, which
    aims to award the best
    and most friendly office arrangements in Poland.


    Katarzyna Lubera

    co-CEO / Project Director

    Katarzyna Szuberla

    Commerce Director

    Olga Kozik

    Architect / Project Manager

    Monika Konieczna

    Sales & Orders

    Karolina Wróbel

    Interior Designer

    join us!

    We are looking for open and ambitious people who want to bring their creativity and commitment into creating unique projects for our clients. If you feel you could be part of our team - tell us something about yourself!

    write to us

    Do you want to create an attractive and functional space?

    Contact a consultant