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    Interior design

    horeca retail office

    we design attractive
    and functional offices, retail and horeca areas. we create unique places that combine a unique atmosphere, modern design and ergonomics.

    01. office

    We design offices tailored to the employees' needs and business goals. We use the potential of design spaces, creating unique interior designs that increase work efficiency, strengthen the brand image, and reflect values and organizational culture. We create employee-friendly offices that attract qualified staff and help build effective and strong teams. We are the winner of the prestigious CBRE Office Superstar competition, which aims to award the best and most friendly office arrangements in Poland.

    see completed office projects

    02. retail

    We design shops and boutiques, service outlets and showrooms, consistent with the image and philosophy of the brand. We care for the overall customer experience by creating shopping-friendly rooms. We develop customer paths and thoughtful exhibitions, stimulating to discover products and services.

    see completed retail projects

    03. horeca

    We design cafés that bring people together, confectioneries that keep moments and restaurants that take taste experiences to a higher level. We create unique places that reassure your clients that they are in the right place at the right time. We create places that you want to stay at and come back to.

    see completed horeca projects
    office retail horeca

    Do you want to create an attractive and functional space?

    Contact a consultant